FMP: Log (second week)

Today (20/04/2016) has also been a clam day.  At the start of the day we had a short lesson about research. Our teacher told us that research is not about knowledge, it’s about experimentation. Opinions aside, it did help me in my future next step. I have realised that in my schedule I haven’t given a space to test shoot. Even though I planned to test shoot, I was only going to shoot usual journalistic shots (put in a blog way). That wouldn’t take too much time to do, therefore, I didn’t include it in my schedule. But now I have decided to research techniques some artistic documentary filmmakers use. This will occupy more time than the techniques I was going to use. I have never tried many of the techniques I have found so far so it should be an interesting activity.

I have also researched for some music, mainly inspirational, “sad-ish”, “happy-ish” and continuous. I have now five tracks to consider. I have also done a possible copyright issues list. I have taken all the songs I am planing to use and researched about their copyright. Many of them fall under the US copyright law, meaning that I can use them for creative purposes (and I am using them for creative purposes).

Something I have been concerned about is my proposal. I have worked a lot on it, researched sources for the Harvard referencing box , looked at the guidelines we have, explaining us how to make a proposal and worked a lot on the explanation of the concept. However, I am slightly worried. I always aim towards the highest mark and try to achieve it. I am concerned that the proposal isn’t good enough or it’s not as good as it could be. I am aware that I have worked a lot on it, but maybe I should have worked more on it.

I have also done some location research, I’m trying to find suitable locations to film my FMP. I have three different locations but I must ask permission to film in two of them. I will send an e-mail asking if I can and as one of them is a museum I’ll ask for an interview with someone related to science so I can gather some primary information.

After doing this pre-production I helped a second year student in acting in some of his test-shots. Even though it might not seem related to my FMP, thanks to this I have an idea of how to do test-shots. As I’ll be presenting I don’t really have to act allowing me to film myself, but it will be a good idea to do some test-shots to confirm it. Something I have learned with this student is that he tries different techniques. After researching techniques I will do as this student: film the same thing in different ways.However, In his case, he was trying angles, in my case I will try techniques and test the cuts.

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